Another Holiday Without You

As I write these words
Tears are streaming down my face
Another holiday grows near
Without you here to enjoy the day.

I would have taken you to church
So you would know early on
The true meaning of Easter
And not just the commercialized part.

Then after we came home
There would be a Easter basket for you
Filled with toys and candy
Maybe a new stuff animal too.

Then daddy would hide the colored eggs
In places that would be easy to see
As we watched the joy on your face
If only you could be here for Easter day.

Terri Hooker/Kyle's Mommy4ever
April 16, 2003
In Loving Memory
Kyle Evan Vigil
09/28/01 ~ 01/23/02

2nd poem:

No Words

No words can describe
The depth of my love for you
How can I put down on paper
Something so uniquely special
That exists between me and you.

No words can describe
The pain of losing you
Standing helplessly by
As I watched you die
My heart and soul died that day too.

No words can describe
The anger inside of me
When I realized you died
Because of politics and
A lack of education to the medical community.

No words can describe
The ache of missing you
It's there with every breathe I take
And every beat of my heart too
As I try facing life without you.

Terri Hooker/Kyle's Mommy4ever
April 16, 2003

In Loving Memory
Kyle Evan Vigil
09/28/01 ~ 01/23/02