Angels Families Raising Awareness and Funds For Angels

You Can Help!

What are you doing? Share your photos and ideas with us.

These are just a few more are coming.



Angel mom to "HBA Alexa" host an annual Walk-A-thon each year for Angels which raises thousands of dollars for angels. Other angel Families join with her and her family to make this event a special one in memory of Alexa.

Angel Mom to "HBA Brooke" and Georgia Team Leader, Rhonda  hosted a booth at a local fair and educated 400 people on Meningitis and raised a few hundred dollars for Angels in the process.

Beary Wise made his d�but here. He is the new Meningitis Angels Mascot.

Amanda D'Antona ( sister to EBA Johnny) and her friend Danielle made an ice tea stand and raised $30.00 for Angels.

They are pictured here at Disney World.

Frankie and Bob "parents of HBA Ryan, paint faces of children while educating families at a 4th of July Celebration. Parents donated $1.00 for each face painted.

This can be done anywhere where kids are.

Earth Bound Angel Carye takes bracelet orders at school and shares her talents as a singer to raise money for Angels.