Jane (Neva) Casselman

  Mom to Heaven Bound Angel Kelly


 The words below were found written on a note in Jane's  Bible. This was written just after Kelly left for Heaven.                                                 

 By Jane Casselman

 The body of man is only a house where the soul lives for awhile, death comes, the soul is gone and the remainder is just a vacant house.  Did you ever look into a house where someone lives from the windows outside? After they move away, look in again and all that remains is an empty house with many memories there.
Such a difference!

Death is a lot like that to me, death is cold, hard and sure; so remains our body as such. God has promised us a new body if were "Saved" and it will be a glorified and precious body because we will be like Jesus.

Life here is priceless, we should live it to the fullest for our creator, sometimes our lives are full of sadness - there are lessons there that God wants us to learn, I�ve seen a lot of sadness in mine, I hope I learned what God wanted me to learn, when I pass from here to Heaven - make mine a happy occasion - no sad songs because in Heaven there won�t be any sadness.

If my life can be an example to anyone, be it good or bad, tell it like it was.

 What a good time I�ll be having in Heaven, so smile, be happy and don�t fret. Cry if you must, but not for me - for yourselves. We�ll be together soon.

 Love Mom


Flower05e1My Dearest Jane, my heart is so broken. Through the tears, I write this. You were the first mom who reached out to me when Ryan left for Heaven. How would I have survived without your love and friendship through those long and endless nights?   Always there to listen, always there to lend an encouraging word. You were words without a face, you wiped my tears with God's love from a heart I could not see, but only feel.

My sweet Jane, I will miss you so. You just told me the other day you were praying for our Angels and your precious Tracy for healing. I guess by now you have spoke to Him in person. Jane can you please hug my baby boy for me and tell him I love him so and miss him and will you stand in for me until I get there?

 I can't think of a better second mom than you.

I pray God sent Kelly to meet you at the gate. Sweet Jane, you are mom to all of our Heaven Bound angels now. I know you will take good care of them.

You will remain in my heart for always.

To Tracy and family,

I feel as if I know you well, you should know your mom loved all of her children with her whole heart. She prayed for you all. I know she would not have left if she could have stayed.

I think the verse she wrote on Kelly's site says a lot about who she was.

"Well, I sum it now as a trial in life that we as parents have gone through, hoping and praying that we have learned something from it and have become stronger and better in life because of it.   I'm sure of one thing; I would never have given my son's life over freely to death for any reason.  God gave His only son to die because He loves us so much.  He knows our heartache as he grieved for a child too. 
I am now involved with another disease that attached itself to another one of my children.  Multiple Sclerosis.  Tracy was 15 when she started having symptoms. 
Now just 21, she is doing well and I am thankful to God and pray for a cure for it.
Into each life some rain must fall, so catch it in a barrel and water the flowers God sends when they thirst." 

Tracy,  God knows your pain, He understands your fears, your grief, the days ahead when you will miss your mom.  I pray God will send you many flowers to water in your life. I just want you to know your Angel Family is here for you. 

To Christ Love I add mine, Frankie Milley, Ryan's mom

You have joined your sweet, baby boy in Heaven.  You two are together for eternity.  Please talk to God and tell him to give us a cure for Meningitis.  Please be with all EBA and their families. Please give all of them strength.  We miss you!
Tracy, may you find strength within yourself to realize your Mom was called because God adores her and Kelly, and he wanted for them to be together now.  Tracy, you, too will be with your Mom again for eternity someday also.  God will allow it.  Have faith in your heart and know she is here with you, and so are we.
We love you and are praying!

Faithful Daughter Lana

Flower05e1You had your wings so long ago....You touched the lives of so many.
Please love our Angels in heaven as you have loved the ones on earth. 
You will be greatly missed and never forgotten.
God Bless you and your family.
Lori~ Stewartstown, PA
Flower05e1I AM PRAYING FOR YOU. Trianna-marie Lutchman

Flower05e1My heart goes out to your family. I didn't know her but I am sure she was great. You are all in my prayers. Sherry (EBA)


Flower05e1Although we live thousands of miles away, yet Jane and her family have become a part of our lives.  When I heard the sad news, I went to look at the letter Jane sent to us just after we met in Orlando.  It is written in her own handwriting and we really cherished the words she wrote.  Now this letter for us is priceless.  Thank you God for giving us the chance to meet this wonderful person.
Ritchie, Carmen and the boys 


Flower05e1She was my daughters godmother .
I will deeply miss the most beautiful friend I have ever had in this life. I loved her dearly!!
Thank you for being her friend and for helping in her need of comfort for a loss that scared her in life.
Her niece, Jamie

Flower05e1You truly are with all of our angels, and God must have needed you in
heaven to begin your work there. I will pray for your family and know
their hurt now must be so much. Life on earth here is so hard for all of
us, but we have to keep the faith that God knows what is best.  Gail Bailey

PS Please give Eddy a hug from all of us. 


Flower05e1 (Neva)  or Jane to everyone else,   was my Aunt, and I will miss her
always. Neva, You have been an inspiration to any one and everyone you come in contact
with, all your loved one's will miss you so  very deeply, you always made me
laugh, It was a joy to know you, and to have you in my heart. You have been
a good Mother and a good Aunt.
Her loving niece!
Love Debbie                                                                           

Flower05e1Thank you for ALL the kind words and encouragement with the passing of my mother-in-law Jane Casselman. My husband and I know that she is chewing gum with Kelly now and watching over all of us. I couldn't begin to tell you about how wonderful this woman was. She was definitely a gift from God to us. Mom is greatly miss and forever loved. Thank you again.
                                 Lots of Love,
                                 Nancy  & Jay Casselman

Flower05e1My mother was very special to me, oh how much I will miss her, she has no more pain, and if for once, as she reached the pearly gates, Kelley there with open arms, saying momma don't cry, mom replied these are tears of joy, sure glad to see you, oh how much I have missed you my son,  I'm sure glad to see you momma, the angels rejoiced as they held hands together, on the sweet by and by, she never once looked back, and entered into eternity with Kelly Eugene, my little brother, mom I will see yah soon again on the other side, I love you mother, I will miss you but a part of you and a part of Kelly will always be with me in my heart as I remain on earth for a short while, may GOD bless this website and give to those, encouragement to get through, day by day, for we are all here for a short while, until we all meet again, once again, GOD bless, with love Jay Paul Casselman.

Flower05e1Dearest Family,
I just want to express how I was saddened to hear of your mother's death.  My heart aches for all of you but beyond the tears, I know she is in the most glorious place with Kelly, rejoicing.  What a treasure you found in the letter she had written..a very special gift.  We found a special letter after our daughter, Lindsay died also.  It is one that brings much comfort.  Read it often.  And know that she is right there with you now and forever.  Jane was a sweet woman.  I was blessed by her comforting words to me when we lost our daughter.  She was a genuine loving person, and I am happy to have known her through this site.  May God continue to shower you all with his love and  comfort.
Love Debbie Jerdo, Mom of Heaven Bond Lindsay

Flower05e1I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas,  and to let you know,  all of the
family think about the both of you,  each and every day that  goes by.  We
will keep you in our hearts and prayers.  And if you talk to GOD!!!!
please have him keep your sister in his prayers for she has Cancer, Which is
my mom, Nelba June Matthews,  I hope she can fight this!  So please talk to
God for me, and ask him for more time for her. and that the Cancer be gone
for good.  I love you Neva and Kelly.  Merry Christmas your loving Niece and

Debbie Michaud

Flower05e1Were really miss you and all the laughter, you brought into our lives, why you and mom , Neva could have us all laughing on that back porch, and we had so much fun with you're presence, every time I see a penny,
I pick it up, and I think of all the memories of you ,my mother , brother , the whole family who's went before us, I look at the date, and reflect my life
from that time , PENNIES FROM HEAVEN, GOD bless you aunt June , and for the rest who remain , my three cousins ,it hurts to lose someone you love so much, as you're own mother ,but GOD had a plan , and you can guarantee
mom , aunt June , Kelly ,and the whole gang are alright up there ,one day at a time sweet Jesus, GOD bless this site, and the family that took the stand
for this site, thank you so much, my love to all ,and GOD Bless, sincerely, Jay Paul, Casselman.


Please light a candle for my mom, her sister was Neva Jane Casselman, and could you also light a candle for Kelly also, My mom died of Cancer on March
11th 2005 My name is Debbie June was my mother Neva was my aunt and Kelly
was my cousin, and may god bless all of you, My mom was born on July 11th
1938 and died on 03/11/05 It is so hard when someone is killed by a drunk
driver like my aunt was, But it is very hard to actually watch your mother
die right in front of you, day by day until she slips away to meet the lord,
Thank you for your time and prayers

Debbie Michaud

We love you Mom and Kelly Eugene, y'all are together
now for Eternity, we are all so sad you had to go so
soon, but we know you're there in Heaven, with Kelly in
you're arms, you once said that{ When we die, we are
only Just Beginning to Live,> for Eternity is Forever
until we meet again, love Jay, Miranda, Tracy
Mom 01-06-43 Heaven Bound
12-28-03 John 15:12



A gentle wind blew cross the land
Reaching out to take a hand
For on the winds the angels came
Calling out my mother's name.

Left behind, the children's tears
Loving memories of the years
Of joy and love, a life well spent
And now to God a mother's sent.

On angel's wings, a heavenly flight
The journey home, towards the light
To those who weep, a life is gone
But in God's love, 'tis but the dawn.

Love Her Three Daughter's





In Memory of Nelba June Matthews,

In Memory of Nelba June Matthew


I"d like the memory of me

to be a happy one. I"d like

to leave an afterglow of smiles

 when day is done.  I"d like

    to leave an echo.......

 whispering softly down

the ways of happy times

and laughing times and

  bright and sunny days.

I'd like the tears of those

who grieve to dry before

the sun of happy memories

that I leave behind

when the day is done.


 Jane's older sister and Kelly's aunt, my mom died of cancer on march 11th 2005  May God watch over them, and we miss them all so much, the love will never stop, we will all meet again, My mom was a wonderful woman, her laugh was so special and the smile on her face would light up a room, you could not help but smile. At least she is not in pain anymore, for the pain was so great, It hurt to see such pain, life is so full of surprise's sometimes I just don't understand WHY her, or what did we do wrong, or if we should of taken her to another doctor, but we will always second guess ourselves, if I could get a address I could send you a picture to put with her name if at all possible, if not I understand, thank you for listening to me you have been a great help in my life, I feel you understand I am 45 and I hold everything in until I started writing you, bless you!!

She is my angle, very good mother, she would give the shirt off her back for her three girls, my god always watch over her.

Love her daughter



 I am sending you three angles to watch over you, we wish you a Happy Heavenly Birthday 03/11/07 We miss you very much, It does not seem like two years since you left here for heaven
Angel1pAngel1pAngel1p  Love Your Daughters
   Jamie,     Debbie,      Terri

We love you MOM and we miss you, we will see you again one day.

from her loving daughters Jamie, Debbie and Terri. Thank you for your time

We miss you, and will always love you, you will always be in our hearts, your loving brother Buster Collins and your sister Shirley


I just wanted to write and say that June (MOM) was a beautiful woman both inside and out and sweet so sweet. She is missed by myself and so many others. God needed her for a special purpose. We will meet again. Now she is a angel to watch over so many people. God bless her and her family.  Love always, Darla 


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