To Jane With Love

Hey, Merry Christmas, Jane. We love and miss you.  Love mom


I know you are well aware of everything that is going on. I visit the angels sight every night, it makes me feel closer to you.

Madi has started dancing and she really likes it. Lillie is growing and is quite a challenge, and she keeps us going and running. She really loves Madi, I guess that is why she is so rough with her.
Everything seems to be moving at such a fast pace. I wonder where is the time going. I sometimes think Madi is still a baby, but not too long before she goes to school. She is very bright and picks up on things quickly. One Saturday, she was very upset and was lying down on the couch and kept saying I am sad. I asked her what was making her sad and she said "I think it so silly to be an angel, I don't want Aunt Jane to be a angel anymore, I want her to be Aunt Jane." Now, what do you say to this except I wish it could happen too. I tried to reassure her that you had alot of work to do and you had to help God and all the people in the world, including us. Please help us to get through these difficult days. It saddens me so to hear that another young person has lost his precious life to this mysterious illness and it only makes me remember everything you went through. You would be happy to know we all had our immunizations against this horrific illness that is so hard to understand. I wish there were one for Madi and Lillie (watch over them and keep them safe, please.)
You will forever be our angel!!!
Lots of Love, Dawn




FlowerSet11Button2This is a very hard week because we should be finalizing you and Josh's wedding plans and doing lots of shopping and trying on of dresses. I want to release a white balloon for you and Josh on June 4th to celebrate and remember this special day that you two had chose to become one. I wonder every day and question why did you have to go, but then I stop and think and try to remember that you were so special to everyone and you got the highest calling of all. There is not a day that goes by when you are not thought of and missed.

There are so many times when I want to call you and talk, just to hear your voice. Just the other day, I put on my leopard slip on shoes and Madi said, "why do you have on Jane's shoes". I told her they were for me and she kept insisting they were for you. I just left it at that. It made me want to cry, but I was happy. It's funny how she put you and leopard shoes together. She remembers you and all your tiger print (so this made me happy). I wish Lillie could have been able to get to know her Aunt Jane. I know you remember all the shopping trips and our arms getting sore from carrying her around.

I feel as though there is an empty space in my heart and nothing will ever fill that void because it belongs to you. I have put together a memory box of you and all the meningitis stories and articles and I am still trying to figure this thing out. (that may never happen) but we still long for answers.

Please watch over us and keep us safe. We miss you and love you dearly.




FlowerSet11Button2Happy Easter Jane, Dawn

FlowerSet11Button2Jane, by now you must be in HEAVEN. The day you left us, I knew that you were already there. You are a wonderful sister, and you will never be forgotten. Life is so hard without you, but we must go on. I pray and think about you all the time. Jane, I can not wait to see your smiling face again. This week is one of my better weeks without you, but it is still very difficult. I was looking at the page that Frankie did of you, and what a wonderful job she did. As I was reading the story that daddy wrote, (only for the tenth time) I find myself still crying. Dad, I couldn't believe the story that you wrote. I am very proud of you. I hope that you can find strength within yourself to go on. Although the house may seem empty without Jane, I'm sure  that Kylie will always be there.  Jane, one day we mill meet again. For now, watch over us and keep us safe in your arms.     
With all my love, Tracy               

FlowerSet11Button2  Dear Menard Family,

I have just read your lovely angel story of Jane.  As with all the other meningitis angels,
Jane has joined a beautiful team in heaven to now look after us.  You have our sincerest
sympathy and hope that you find peace in your hearts with God's help.  We too lost our daughter
last May to this devastating disease and you can read our story in Heaven Bound Angels - Nicole
Marie Evans.

It has been quite a roller coaster year since Nicki's death.  The denial, anger, and self pitty
among all the other emotions have taken their toll.  But each day dawns with a new self worth,
and with help from above, each day is one day closer to reuniting with our loved ones.  May God sustain you and give you strength to travel down the same road as the rest of us.  You are not alone on this journey.  God Bless! Janet, Nicki's Mom



Happy 23rd Birthday Jane!!!!
I hope you had a great celebration in heaven. Last night we got an email from Josh inviting us all to go eat to remember this day. It was a hard day, but I am so glad we got together. With all he has and trying to finish college, he still thinks of us. What a great guy he is. (you know that already). We released white balloons for you after we ate at Chili's. We know you were watching down upon us (the song, How Far Is Heaven) played at the restaurant. I am sure the sight from Heaven is unbelievable. I pray that you continue to bring us strength and understanding. You truly are an angel. Lots of Love!!!!



Happy Thanksgiving Jane!!!
I know this is a time to be thankful for all we have and I am, but there is one thing missing....your presence. It will be very hard to see an empty space at our dinner table. Our minds know that you are in a better place, but our hearts feel different. I pray that you are with us and help us to remember that we should be thankful that you are not suffering and you are where you are needed. The holidays will be especially difficult without you and your smile, but I will try to remember that Christmas was your favorite holiday ever. And I will try to celebrate it in your honor and memory. (even all the decorating of little villages you would put up). You will forever be remembered, but you will forever be missed. You are our Christmas Angel!!!! 
Lots of Love,


Happy Birthday Jane,  Love Tracy



Dear sweet Jane,
Lately I have been thinking of you a lot. Heather Simon and I often talk about the fun & crazy times we all spent together. We look at pictures and laugh because life was so easy back then. I often picture your smile when I get sad, because you were always someone who could cheer anyone up, simply by flashing those beautiful dimples. I see Dawn at school and when I look at her , I see you...it reminds me that you are up there watching over us. You are greatly missed and one day we will meet again in Heaven...Missing a wonderful friend, Heather Mayard Perrin

Heather Mayard Perrin




Happy 4th of July!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sure you see the most amazing fireworks in the world. Missing you and lots of love now and forever.
You will be forever in my heart.