Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) Meningitis


Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) has been identified as one of the three most common causes of bacterial meningitis. The others are Neisseria meningitidis and Streptococcus pneumoniae.

These three bacteria have accounted, prior to the development of effective immunizations, for more than 80% of all cases of meningitis in industrialized nations.

Prior to effective immunizations, the world experienced as many as 2.2 million cases of Hib disease and 300,000-400,000 deaths each year as consequences of Hib infection. Hib has been the most important cause of meningitis in children younger than 5 years, with estimated incidence rates in various nations ranging 4-34 or more per 100,000 per year. Children younger than 1 year have manifested incidence rates of 30-66 cases of meningitis per 100,000 per year. Selected populations manifested much higher rates of incidence of meningitis, particularly among American Eskimos younger than 5 years, whose incidence of 409 meningitis cases per 100,000 per year was documented in 1981 (Ward, 1981).

Fortunately, effective immunization for Hib has diminished the incidence of Hib-related meningitis and of other serious Hib-related diseases, such as pneumonia or sepsis, by as much as 87-90% or more in countries where such immunizations have been provided to children. Unfortunately, the important goal of global immunization of children against Hib has not yet been realized.

Between 46% and 60% of all serious Hib-related diseases present as meningitis. Other serious Hib diseases, also most likely to arise in early childhood, are epiglottitis, sepsis, cellulitis, pneumonia, and pyelonephritis. Hib's medical importance has included the role that it has played in the experimental and pathological study of infectious diseases in a wide variety of organ systems. The bacterium has provided particularly valuable information concerning the understanding of the pathophysiology of meningitis.

Transmissibility of Hib infection and the capacity of this organism to cause purulent meningitis was first demonstrated by Wollstein in 1911. She first drew attention to the marked tendency for Hib meningitis to occur in infants and young children. Pittman distinguished 6 serotypes (A through F) of H influenzae in 1931 and demonstrated that the B serotype accounted for almost all cases of meningitis. Fothergill and Wright enlarged the epidemiologic understanding of Hib meningitis, the protective role of passively transmitted maternal antibodies, and the inadequacy of host immune response from infancy to age 3 years in an important series of studies published in 1933.

Of the encapsulated strains, Hib is the most virulent, and prior to vaccination, accounting for more than 95% of all cases of H influenzae meningitis in the prevaccination era.

Transmission probably occurs by inhalation of aerosolized respiratory droplets, although nose-finger-finger-nose routes may play a role in transmission between 2 individuals. Humans are the only known host for H influenzae, and colonization is common in both children and adults. However, most isolates are unencapsulated, and encapsulated strains are only rarely detected. Hib colonization occurs in 2-5% of children but is much less frequently found in adults and children younger than 1 year. Rates of carriage are even lower in immunized populations. However, rates of carriage are much higher among household contacts of an index case. Twenty to 25% of all those exposed to the index case become colonized. Among children younger than 5 years, carriage rates are as high as 50%. Carriage is generally asymptomatic and may occur despite circulating antibodies or effective eradication of meningitis. It may persist for weeks to months.

To become infected, individuals must first acquire a state of nasopharyngeal Haemophilus colonization, a fairly common event of early life. In North America, nearly 5% of young children are colonized with Hib, the most important cause of Haemophilus infections. Over time, this colonized state resolves because less than 1% of adults are colonized with Hib strains. The rather low rate of carriage in children is likely caused by lack of exposure because only approximately 50-55% of children younger than 6 years who are household contacts of children with Hib meningitis are also found to be colonized. Interestingly, the rate of nasopharyngeal colonization is lower for the household contacts of a child that has Hib epiglottitis than those of a child who has Hib meningitis.

The infection that can occur in a colonized individual is either invasive or noninvasive. Epiglottitis is an example of noninvasive infection that occurs in the upper airways of susceptible individuals. Why the individuals with highest risk for this disease (ie, boys aged 3-6 y) have a particular susceptibility for that form of infection and why that susceptibility is found in children at an older age than susceptibility for Hib meningitis, for which somewhat younger boys are also particularly prone, is unknown. Invasive infection requires that Hib organisms from the nasopharyngeal colony become locally invasive and enter the blood stream. The mechanisms of this invasiveness are not as yet understood, but it likely involves both bacterial and host factors that result in incapacity of that individual for bacterial Hib containment.

The particular susceptibility of children who no longer have passively transferred antibodies is likely due to the fact that they do not develop adequate immune-mediated bactericidal capacity for Hib until several additional years of life have passed. This may be due, in part, to the fact that more than 90% of 2- to 12-month-old infants have very low titers of antibodies to the alpha-PRP capsular constituent of Hib as compared to resistant adults. These antibodies likely play a role, together with complement, in opsonization and bactericidal effects that may prevent colonization, invasion, or persistence in circulation of Hib organisms.

Persistent Hib-related PRP antigenemia due to failure of these containment and killing activities may in turn delay the development of a type-specific antibody response to Hib. An interval as long as 3 months is required for infants and young children who develop Hib meningitis to mount a type-specific response to the causative Hib strain. In older children, the relative freedom from risk of Hib meningitis is likely due to the fact that immune system maturity results in full development and deployment of these various important immune mechanisms, possibly including sensitization to Hib epitopes due to noninfectious exposure to Hib or to other organisms that have similar capsular epitopes.

To varying degrees, the development of these protective immune responses is more delayed and less robust in children who have immune system compromise, such as agammaglobulinemia, immunoglobulin G (IgG2) subclass deficiency, or various degrees of asplenia due to sickle cell anemia or other causes, as well as those with cancer, HIV infection, chronic pulmonary or renal disease, or immunosuppression due to organ transplant or other causes. Hib meningitis is more common in such infants. Young children with these immunocompromising conditions may continue to be vulnerable to Hib meningitis longer than children who experience the normal course of immune development that renders Hib meningitis unlikely in children older than 5 years. Some diseases that otherwise interfere with normal immune function, such as CSF fistulae or other abnormalities of BBB function may also predispose to Hib meningitis.

The capacity to mount resistance to invasive Hib disease rises rapidly after age 3 years and, once acquired, tends to be permanent. This resistance is likely due to maturation of immune responses designed to prevent colonization, contain organisms that colonize, eliminate organisms from circulation, and prevent invasion into and persistence within target tissues. In support of this view is the fact that most older children and adults who develop Hib meningitis have underlying medical conditions that interfere with immune function. The predisposing conditions include malignancies, asplenia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, alcoholism, and HIV infection. Haemophilus is also a common cause of infection in patients with cystic fibrosis. Some evidence suggests enhanced susceptibility because of alcoholism, which may in turn represent risk enhancement due to poor nutrition or other factors.

  • In the US: Prior to the implementation of effective vaccination, Hib accounted for 40-60% of all cases of meningitis in children aged 0.1-15 years in the United States and fully 90% of all cases of meningitis arising in children aged 0.1-5 years. Hib meningitis was rare in individuals older than 5 years. However, because it was the chief cause of meningitis in children younger than 5 years and because children of such young age have a much higher rate of meningitis than any other age group, Hib was the cause of nearly half of the 25,000 or so cases of meningitis occurring annually in patients of any age in the United States.

    In the prevaccine era, the incidence of serious Hib disease was 60-100 cases per 100,000 children younger than 5 years in the United States. To some extent, this may reflect the inclusion of populations at higher risk such as is apparently true of Native Americans such as the Eskimos. Quite recently, the use of effective conjugated vaccines has dramatically reduced the risk that Hib has posed for young children, lowering the annual prevalence of Hib meningitis in well-immunized populations by 76-90%.

    Moreover, cases of Hib meningitis still occur in countries with well-vaccinated populations. That the individual risk for Hib meningitis is dependent not only on individual vaccination history but also on the degree to which the entire population has been vaccinated suggests that herd immunity has an effect on the prevalence of particular meningogenic bacterial strains. Vaccination appears to reduce the prevalence of carriage of Hib within the general population, presumably including colonization and carriage by household contacts.

    In the prevaccine era, from year to year, a considerable amount of variation occurred in annual prevalence of Hib meningitis in the United States. Some well-defined regions exhibited year-to-year variations of as much as 67%. Considerable additional variation was observed in comparison of a given region to some other region. Thus, in the United States, higher prevalences were observed in certain regions, such as Alaska.

    Far less evidence exists in favor of epidemics of Hib meningitis than has been found for N meningitidis meningitis, although some evidence indicates variation in the virulence or invasiveness of prevalent meningitis-associated Hib strains from year to year. With opportunity, Hib colonization is readily achieved in small children. In prevaccine era studies of households containing a child who developed Hib meningitis, as many as 20-25% of family contacts and more than 50% of siblings younger than 10 years developed encapsulated Hib carriage.

    Of exposed contacts, the rate of disease is 4% for children younger than 2 years, 2-3% for children aged 2-3 years, and 0.1% for children aged 4-5 years. Thus, the risk for disease is about 600-fold greater than the age-adjusted risk for the population at large.


    Day care attendance appears to enhance risk in children younger than 2 years. That risk enhancement is greatest in the first month of daycare attendance. A twin sibling is at greater risk for the development of Hib meningitis than are other siblings of an index case, risk that may be due to proximity in combination with the fact that a twin is in exactly the same vulnerable age bracket for Hib meningitis risk, while other siblings are likely to fall outside that most vulnerable age group (ie, they tend to be >4-5 y or <2-3 mo).


    Some evidence suggests that crowded urban living, especially as experienced by children of comparatively low socioeconomic status may enhance risk for invasive Hib disease, although these observations have not carefully excluded potential confounding variables. Some of the potential confounding variables include the possibility of genetically enhanced risk, possibly among blacks or especially American Indians/Eskimos. These studies, in turn, have not excluded the possible contribution of crowding, low socioeconomic status, or other variables (eg, dietary factors, alcohol consumption) in explaining the higher risk discerned in these more or less genetically homogeneous populations.


    The peak incidence of Hib meningitis in the United States, as in other Northern Hemisphere temperate countries, occurs in a bimodal distribution with the first peak in June and the second in September to October. This seasonal prevalence differs significantly from potential differential considerations such as the other two major causes of human meningitis, N meningitidis and S pneumoniae, both of which have greatest prevalence in the winter months. It differs from conditions such as sporadic herpes I encephalitis or epidemic conditions such as mumps encephalitis that occur year-round, although this difference is of little help in determining the differential diagnosis.


    The increased Hib prevalence in summertime corresponds somewhat, but not exactly, to the period of highest prevalence of arboviral encephalitis, aseptic meningitis, enteric encephalitides such as poliomyelitis or coxsackie encephalitis, and tick-borne encephalitides such as Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Many of these differential considerations have their highest prevalence in July to August.

The mortality rate of Hib meningitis in the preantibiotic era was greater than 90%. The availability of effective antibiotics reduced the mortality rate to less than 10% in children who received prompt treatment.

Conjugated Hib vaccine has dramatically reduced the annual incidence of Hib meningitis�related morbidity and mortality in a properly vaccinated population because of the profound decline in Hib meningitis. However, children in a vaccinated population that do develop Hib meningitis continue to experience a mortality rate as high as 3-4% despite early standard treatment.

Morbidity in children in vaccinated populations who develop Hib meningitis and who receive early standard treatment has always existed and unfortunately remains high, although prompt treatment has likely reduced morbidity. In addition to antibiotics, appropriate treatment of elevations of intracranial pressure and other complications of Hib meningitis has contributed to lowering morbidity. Whether anti-inflammatory therapy reduces the risk of morbidity such as deafness remains controversial.

Delay in treatment likely increases both morbidity and mortality. It remains unclear whether the success of immunization programs will blunt sensitivity to the diagnosis of Hib meningitis and delay initiation of appropriate therapies, thus secondarily enhancing both morbidity and mortality in the small residual population of children that develop Hib meningitis despite population or personal vaccination. For obvious reasons, delay in diagnosis and treatment may be much greater in countries with inadequate infrastructure such as roads, transportation, and facilities for evaluation and care of sick children.

Population-based mortality and morbidity rates remain very high in some developing countries because of lower rates of vaccination and because of decreased accessibility to early standard treatment for Hib meningitis and its various complications. Other factors (eg, nutrition) may also play roles in very high morbidity and mortality rates in such regions.

The emergence of resistant organisms also increased morbidity and mortality where such agents are the cause of meningitis, perhaps by as much as 3-fold (Saha, 2005). This too is a problem faced more commonly in developing nations that have inadequate immunization programs.

Conflicting data and conclusions have been reported regarding the influence of race on susceptibility to Hib meningitis. To some extent the inconsistencies of these observations derive from the artificiality of the demographic construct termed race and the lack of available scientific measures of the genetic contribution that gives rise to the superficially expressed characteristics upon which a racial assignment is based. These studies are further compromised by the comorbidities that may be associated with racial classification, such as poverty, crowding, poor healthcare, and poor nutrition. However, certain correlations are suggested by the available data.

Several studies have found a significantly higher rate of disease among blacks than other nonwhites. According to some authorities, the risk that Hispanics have for Hib meningitis falls into an intermediate level between the higher risk that some studies have reported for blacks and the lower risk that some have reported for whites.

Some data suggest higher risk for Native Americans/Eskimos than for black populations. Thus, one prevalence study from Washington State showed prevaccination era annual prevalences of 2.2 cases per 100,000 white children, 3.4 cases per 100,000 black children, and 13.5 cases per 100,000 Native American children.

Some studies reporting race-related predilection have found that enhanced risk is defined not only by race but also by age. Thus, some data suggest that enhanced risk in blacks is found only in children older than 1 year of age but not in children younger than 1 year. Other studies have found no racial predilection for Hib meningitis. Some authorities think that other risk factors confound racial incidence studies and may account for perceived race-related determination of risk.

Urban crowding may enhance the risk for Hib infection and therefore the population risk for Hib meningitis, or it may even enhance the risk for serious consequences of Hib infection. This has been demonstrated for whites living in urban as compared to rural environments in Minnesota. However, this enhanced risk was found to be true only for nonmeningitic invasive Hib disease. Some studies have suggested that low socioeconomic status may also increase the risk of contracting invasive Hib disease.

Some reasonably well-conducted studies have demonstrated that 59-70% of Hib meningitis cases occur in boys.

  • At least one prevalence study, performed prior to the availability of effective vaccination, showed the annual prevalence of Hib meningitis among boys younger than 5 years to be 89 cases per 100,000 population as compared to 37 cases per 100,000 population for girls younger than 5 years.
  • One large study of serious Hib diseases found that in addition to the preponderance of cases of Hib meningitis in boys, boys account for approximately two thirds of cases of epiglottitis, the second most prevalent serious Hib disease. On the other hand, cases affecting boys were found to account for only 44% of the other serious Hib diseases (eg, sepsis, cellulitis, pneumonia, pyelonephritis).
  • Other studies have not confirmed a sex-related predilection for Hib meningitis.

A very striking and robust age-related predilection for Hib meningitis has been found in virtually all studies conducted in the prevaccine era on children from North America or Northern Europe. One study showed that nearly 1 out of 200 of unvaccinated children experienced some form of invasive Hib disease prior to their fifth birthday. More than 95% of all Hib meningitis cases occurred in children younger then 5 years, and 79% occurred in children younger than 3 years.


The peak Hib meningitis risk for unvaccinated North American children was found to occur from age 6-9 months, with a continued very high risk until approximately 24 months of life. Prevalence for Hib meningitis among children aged 6-17 months during the prevaccine era was approximately 122 cases per 100,000 population per year, as compared to 65 cases per 100,000 population per year for infants aged 18-23 years. After 23 months, a rapid decline in prevalence was observed.


Other studies have shown the risk for Hib meningitis to be 67 cases per 100,000 population per year in children aged 2-12 years and 18 cases per 100,000 population per year for children aged 1-5 years. Northern European studies have shown that the peak risk for Hib meningitis occurs in older children in their unvaccinated populations than in those of North America. The mean age at presentation of Hib meningitis in Northern Europe is approximately 1.5 years of age.


Although approximately 80% of North American cases occur in children prior to their second birthday, only 60% of Northern European cases occur in such young children.


Infants younger than 6 months accounted, in prevaccination studies, for only about 10% of Northern European Hib meningitis cases, as compared to 16-38% of North American cases. For unclear reasons, a profile similar to the North American prevalence figures was found for Australian Aborigines. The tendency toward later onset of Hib meningitis in Northern Europe may be due to more widespread and prolonged breastfeeding by Northern European mothers.


In contrast to the age-related risk for Hib meningitis, the peak risk for Hib epiglottitis was generally found to occur in children between the third and fourth birthdays.


Hib meningitis is quite uncommon in children younger than 2 months, probably because of passive acquisition of maternal antibodies. Fothergill and Wright demonstrated this in 1933, and they demonstrated that this maternally conferred protection was largely dissipated by age 4 months. Rarely, infants are diagnosed with Hib meningitis in the first 2 months of life. Fothergill and Wright showed in 1933 that children younger than 2 months accounted for less than 0.004% of all cases. More recent studies have suggested that Hib may account for 0.3% of such cases.


The risk to neonates may have increased in the late 20th century because of a decrease in maternal transmission of Hib antibodies, possibly as the result of diminished maternal exposure.


Risk for Hib meningitis declines rapidly after the second birthday and becomes quite low after the fourth. Decline in risk appears to be due to the gradual acquisition of antibodies directed at capsular determinants of Hib and possibly to other aspects of maturation of the immune system. Exposure and colonization with Hib is the only possible cause of rise in specific antibody titers. Quite possibly, pertinent antibodies develop as the result of exposure to other genera of capsulated bacteria that express cross-reactive epitopes in their capsules. Among the most important of the likely causes of such cross-reactive protection are enteric bacteria.


Although adults are subject to Hib sepsis or pneumonia, adults account for less than 5% of all Hib meningitis cases. After age 15 years in unvaccinated populations, Hib is responsible for only 1-3% of all infectious meningitis cases. Adults may be rendered vulnerable to Hib meningitis by chronic diseases such as alcoholism, nephrosis, diabetes mellitus, cerebrospinal fluid fistula, asplenia, agammaglobulinemia, neoplasms (eg, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, multiple myeloma, Hodgkin disease), and AIDS as well as by chemotherapy or radiotherapy